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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Why Do People Commit Suicide ?

In response to extreme emotional pain, and suicidal thoughts and feelings due to various brain chemistry deficiencies and/or disorders.

Prolonged life circumstances of extreme stress, emotional upset, abuse, poverty, terrible living conditions, neglect, poor health, injury, disability - especially with no apparent hope of change or improvement can and do precipitate depression and suicidal thoughts for some.

What is not commonly known is that

Suicidal thoughts are an involuntary affliction ! We don't choose to think them. Suicidal thoughts just enter, they just come into your mind on their own.

And they don't just sit idly by...

Suicidal thoughts are VERY ACTIVE and have tremendous emotional power !

They push you, urge you, compel you towards suicide.

At times, I felt it almost as an entity darkly drawing me into the dark universe, an eternal vacuum of death

...a wrenching, twisting, turning emotional agony.

Need HELP.

Help is one click away

Here is the link:

Dr. Meerkat



Dx said...

Doc Meerkat - please send me a prescription for suicide too. And, while you're at it, one for each of the conditions you mention in Paragraph 2. I suffer badly so can you make all the prescriptions out for triples? And, hurry, things are getting worse by the minute.

Fishman said...

Hei who said anything about suicide, more like commiting murder

Meerkat said...

@DX Just print as many prescriptions as you need from here. Problem solved!